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Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Golf cart accidents are preventable!


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Golf cart accidents are preventable! - Golf Cart Safety Message

The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company wishes to utilize this opportunity to continue efforts to enhance Golf Cart Safety Awareness in our fire district.

Golf carts can be everywhere!

Our spring and summer months are known for their beautiful beaches, developing trails, campgrounds, golf courses, waterfront communities, and, of course, the weather!

It’s fun in the sun and what better way to travel around residential communities, campgrounds, designated areas, and/or golf courses than on your golf cart.

Golf cart accidents are preventable!

Golf cart accidents and injuries are steadily increasing each year and our immediate fire district is no exception! Many are injured and hurt in golf cart accidents due to a variety of factors, including increased use, a lack of safety equipment, and unsafe driving.  These accidents are often more severe than a regular car crash as golf carts lack the safety measures of the traditional automobile.

Many people, especially parents, falsely view golf carts as a safer, less intimidating alternative to cars. However, driving a golf cart is just as dangerous as driving a car and requires the same training and awareness measures.

Golf cart accidents are 100% preventable!

With as much fun as you can have, it’s important that you and your friends and family stay safe while driving these multi-purpose golf carts.

Additional Golf Cart Safety Information can be obtained by viewing

Golf Cart Accidents are 100% Preventable!

The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company will continue the distribution of a tri-fold Golf Cart Safety pamphlet to highlight various safety tips throughout our immediate fire district to enhance the educational awareness of Golf Cart Safety.

This publication is a collaborative effort with Indian River Golf Cars, Inc. which has graciously sponsored the design, development, and publication of this pamphlet for dissemination.