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Thursday, May 28, 2020
Indian River Performs Neighborhood Canvas - Mariner's Cove


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Indian River Performs Neighborhood Canvas - Mariner's Cove


The Fire Prevention Committee of the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company understands that a fire event can drastically affect the immediate community.

The Fire Prevention Committee Team members that responded to the emergency incident in Mariner’s Cove development, returned to the neighborhood within 3 to 6 days of the incident to conduct a fire prevention effort. 

This fire prevention effort entails a door-to-door canvas of the neighborhood to answer questions from citizens, provide fire safety information, and try to improve fire safety awareness in the community.  Additionally, in many cases free smoke alarms and batteries are installed during the canvas campaign.

During the Mariner’s Cove event, sixty (60) homes were visited and offered fire prevention materials for each resident.  In addition, twenty-six (26) smoke detectors were distributed.