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Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Training – Firefighter May Day Events


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Wednesday July, 31 2024

Nature: Training – Firefighter May Day

Location: Station #1

Address:  Oak Orchard Road, Millsboro


On Wednesday evening, July31st, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company in conjunction with instructors from the Delaware State Fire School (DSFS) coordinated a training event involving simulated Firefighter May Day Events at our fire station in Oak Orchard.

A mayday event is one of the most crucial events a firefighter may face. There needs to be understanding that maydays are not frequent occurrences, but are vital that firefighters practice and prepare back at their stations.

Firefighters must understand that a mayday is more than just getting trapped in a building. It could involve getting lost, SCBA malfunction, losing your partner, losing your hose line, any type of collapse, falling through a floor or downstairs, losing your tool, or even just getting overwhelmed.

When declaring a Mayday, be sure to get the attention of the Incident Command (IC) first before saying the message. Once an acknowledgement for your Mayday call is received, then proceed with your May Day! May Day! May Day! message.

The drill activities included: 

  • While fully donned in structural personal protective equipment (PPE) and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), the firefighter will go on air and participate in various simulated exercises.

  • The firefighter will then declare a Mayday using the portable radio.

    • The word “Mayday” is to be repeated three times.

    • The firefighter will wait for the IC to acknowledge their Mayday.

    • Once acknowledged, the firefighter will deliver their Mayday message using their department’s protocol (LUNAR, who I am, what happened and what I need, etc.)

Key points:

  • When declaring a Mayday, wait to be acknowledged by the Incident Command before giving the Mayday message

  • Become familiar with turning on and off the PASS alarm of the SCBA that is being used.

  • Practice declaring a Mayday in different positions and in different scenarios (such as a collapse, entangled, etc.)