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Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Delaware EARNS Program & Financial Literary focus of Town Hall Meeting @ Indian River


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Deputy State Treasurer Jordan Seemans speaks

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Ted Griffith, Delaware EARNS Program Director

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Jordan Seemans, Deputy State Treasurer; Jeff Hilovsky, State Representative; and Ted Griffith, Delaware EARNS Program

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Tuesday June, 4 2024

Nature: Delaware EARNS Program & Financial Literary focus of Town Hall Meeting…

Address:  32628 Oak Orchard Road, Millsboro


Rep. Jeff Hilovsky, R-Millsboro, and State Treasurer Colleen Davis hosted an informational meeting June 4th about the Delaware Expanding Access for Retirement and Necessary Savings Program and financial literacy in education.

The town hall was from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company in Oak Orchard.

The EARNS initiative provides small businesses a cost-free opportunity to help their employees save for retirement in a Roth individual retirement account through convenient payroll deductions.

The following topics and discussions were highlighted:

  • A presentation on the Delaware EARNS program (providing all workers with an opportunity to save for retirement.)

  • A discussion of Rep. Hilovsky’s bill to guarantee that all Delaware students receive financial literacy education.

  • An open exchange with participants.

The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company would like to acknowledge and thank the speakers and participants in attendance.