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Saturday, May 4, 2024
Indian River Recognizes Auxiliary Members for Years of Service


Brenda West

Views: 14

Kathy Hudson

Views: 14

Views: 16

Ellen Cassatt

Views: 18

Views: 21

Views: 19

Views: 17

Leolga Wright

Views: 16

Leolga Wright

Views: 19

Views: 16


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Indian River Recognizes Auxiliary Members for Years of Service

The Auxiliary of the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company is pleased to announce the following Years of Service Awards to highlight and appreciate its members.

The Annual Appreciation Banquet is designed and intended to recognize its dedicated volunteers that serve the organization over the years.

As the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company finishes celebrating its Platinum Jubilee in Calendar Year 2023, we take great pride to recognize the Ladies Auxiliary and its members as they embark upon their own Platinum Jubilee in Calendar Year 2024.

Illustrated herewith are the volunteer auxiliary members that have reached milestones, some being silver and gold benchmarks within our organization.  As you know, these volunteers have served in many capacities and performed many functions without being asked.  These volunteers have continually achieved and accomplished many endeavors without fanfare and much ado.

Please join us in recognizing and celebrating these milestones:

  • 10 Years of Service

    • Taylor Miller

    • Brenda West

  • 20 Years of Service

    • Kathy Hudson

  • 25 Years of Service

    • Ellen Cassatt

  • 40 Years of Service

    • Linda Cullen

  • 50 Years of Service

    • Leolga Wright

The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company commends and thanks these volunteers for their endless support and devotion.