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Monday, April 29, 2024
Indian River attends 34th Annual National Fire / Emergency Services Symposium & Dinner


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Bill Webb, CFSI Executive Director

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Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary - US Dept. of Homeland Security

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Steven Deery & Joseph Thompson

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Patrick Miller & Fire Prevention Commissioner Ron Marvel

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DVFA President Ron O'Neal

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Ron Marvel & Dick Ward

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Chief Steven Deery & Chief Matt Sliwa

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Monday April, 29 2024

Nature: Indian River attends 34th Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Symposium and Dinner

Location: Washington Hilton


On Monday, April 29th, a cadre of personnel from the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company attended the 34th Annual National Fire & Emergency Services Symposium and Dinner to assist with education initiatives and to enhance efforts with Members of Congress about fire and life safety issues that impact the fire service.

This event is intended to pursue legislative initiatives that is favorable for the fire service as well as encouraging members of Congress to reauthorize the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) and Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants (SAFER).

Additional information about CFSI may be viewed at:

Illustrated herewith are few photographs of the activities.