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Thursday, April 4, 2024
Addressing Flooding: Oak Orchard's need for improved drainage


Oak Orchard constantly struggles with flooding and standing water. In order to resolve some issues, DNREC and the Sussex Conservation District have implemented a stormwater drainage system on Mercer Avenue.

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Addressing Flooding: Oak Orchard's need for improved drainage

Eleisa Weber Apr 3, 2024

OAK ORCHARD, Del. - Oak Orchard constantly struggles with flooding and standing water. In order to resolve some issues, DNREC and the Sussex Conservation District have implemented a stormwater drainage system on Mercer Avenue. People in the community say while that project has been helpful, more needs to be done. Patrick Miller, President of the Indian River Fire Company, says over time, flooding has destroyed some roads in Oak Orchard.

"The road has given way to the undercurrents, and the culverts tend to allow things to flow through them and get trapped, and there's sinkholes associated with water currents," said Miller.

Miller also added that flooding prevents standard emergency vehicles, like fire trucks and ambulances, from reaching people quickly. Instead, all-wheel-drive vehicles and boats are used.

Mike Masciandaro, who lives on River Road, says the road often becomes a river itself.

"When you have these high tides or nor'easters, you have the water getting backed up into the bays, and we prefer being on the water, not in it," said Masciandaro.

Masciandaro says he hopes help comes to River Road soon, and DNREC and the Sussex Conservation District say they are working on a drainage project near Nanticoke Avenue and River Road. They say the project aims to enhance drainage. DNREC is in the process of getting the necessary environmental permits and approvals, with construction anticipated to begin in late 2024.

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