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Saturday, January 18, 2014
2013 Annual Firefighter Awards Banquet - Baywood Greens


Senator Hocker presents 60th Anniversary proclamation to Indian River

Views: 73

Senator Hocker presents proclamation

Views: 75

Views: 81

Representative Ruth Briggs-King

Views: 72

Award for Firefighter of the Year

Views: 60

Michael Bowden - 2013 Firefighter of the Year

Views: 56

Award for the Henry C. Warrington

Views: 58

Mario Street recipient of the 2013 Henry C. Warrington Award

Views: 57

Tenure Award

Views: 55

Ryan Mock 2013 Fire Chief Service Award

Views: 64

Chiefs Award

Views: 58

Jim Becker receives the 2013 Chiefs Award

Views: 62

President's Award

Views: 51

Hank Gonnelli receives the 2013 President's Award recipient

Views: 50

Rep. Briggs-King and Stephen Miller

Views: 60

The Streets - Mario & Stacie

Views: 65

Sam Long & Danielle Norwood

Views: 52

Vice President Hubbs & Chief Deery

Views: 54

Danielle Norwood & Steven Deery

Views: 58

Luke Iseman, Matt Zweibel, & Cody Levis

Views: 65

J. Taylor

Views: 58

Views: 64

The Dawson's - Harry & Linda

Views: 55

The Pitman's

Views: 50

The Merchant's - Ruth & Willie

Views: 57

Past Fire Chief - Dallas Wright

Views: 59

Leolga Wright, Carol Blumenthal & Elaine Kulp

Views: 60

Frontal Shield Key Chain

Views: 48

Mario Street & Leolga Wright

Views: 59

Jim Wagner presides....

Views: 55

David Blumenthal recognizes 2013 fire police officers

Views: 52

Roland Walker recognizes 2014 fire police officers

Views: 51

Shane Miller, Tyler Wright & Jacob Miller

Views: 81

Entertainment Contest

Views: 82

The Bowden's - Michael & Joyce

Views: 64

The Rossiter's

Views: 63

Taylor & Jacob Miller

Views: 78

Patrick Miller, Danielle Norwood & Tyler Wright

Views: 71

The Messick;s - Susan & Ted

Views: 66

Patrick Miller & Danielle Norwood

Views: 54

Patrick Miller, Senator Hocker, Steven Deery

Views: 9

Rep. Ruth Briggs-Kings

Views: 10

Patrick Miller, Rep. Briggs-King, Steven Deery

Views: 10

Michael Bowden & Ryan Mock

Views: 14

Mario Street & Patrick Miller

Views: 10

Ryan Mock & Jim Becker

Views: 14

Ryan Mock & Jim Becker

Views: 12

Patrick Miller & Hank Gonnelli

Views: 9

Senator Hocker, Rep. Briggs-King, Patrick Miller

Views: 9

Senator Hocker & Patrick Miller

Views: 11

Rep. Briggs Kings & Patrick Miller

Views: 9


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Nature: Volunteer Firefighter Recognition Program Awards

On Saturday, January 18, 2014, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company held its Annual Firefighter Appreciation Banquet at Baywood Greens Clubhouse and recognized many members for their community contributions and volunteerism.

60th Anniversary – Indian River Volunteer Fire Co., Inc.

The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company was presented proclamations and tributes from the Delaware State Senate and the Delaware House of Representatives for completing 60 years of active volunteer fire service to their community.

Delaware State Senate Proclamation:

The Honorable Gerald W. Hocker, Delaware State Senator presented on behalf of the 147th Delaware General Assembly and as well as State Senator Brian Pettyjohn a proclamation which read:

The entire Senate of the 147th General Assembly of the State of Delaware joins Senators Gerald W. Hocker and Brian G. Pettyjohn, Sponsors, in paying tribute to the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company as it marks 60 Years of Service to the Community.

The Senate Honors the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company and all those who have served therein during the six decades since the fire company was established in 1953.

The fire company’s service area extends from the outskirts of Millsboro to those of Rehoboth Beach and Lewes, along the north side of the Indian River and Indian River Bay. Residents of the community came together to form the fire company because the area was then remote from the nearest fire companies in Millsboro, Lewes and Rehoboth Beach.

The company’s first fire chief was Granville Hasting and its first president was Raymond Trice. Through an outpouring of support from the community, sufficient funds were raised over the next few years to purchase used equipment and build its first fire hall.

The fire company has grown more or less continuously over the years as the local population has expanded. What was originally a small year-round population with larger number during the summer months has grown into a substantial year-round community comprising such areas as Oak Orchard, Long Neck, Riverdale and Rosedale.

The Senate joins the sponsors in extending heartfelt thanks to all those who have served the Indian River Volunteer Fire and the surrounding community over the past 60 years and extends best wishes for a bright future of continued service. The Senate approves this tribute for presentation to the Indian River Volunteer Company on this 18th Day of January, 2014.

Delaware House of Representatives Tribute:

The Honorable Ruth Briggs-King, Delaware State Representative presented on behalf of the 147th Delaware General Assembly and as well as State Representative John C. Atkins a tribute which read:

Be it hereby known to all that the House of Representatives recognizes the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. on the occasion of their 60th Anniversary.

The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company was first established in March of 1953. We commend the outstanding service this company has provided to the local community throughout their sixty years.

The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company provides volunteer fire and rescue services to the communities of Oak Orchard, Riverdale, Long Neck, Warwick, Indian Mission, Rosedale Beach, Gull Point, Frames Point, Whits Point, White House Beach and surrounding areas. Their exceptional dedication and commitment has shown through their exemplary work and community involvement.

The House of Representatives extends its sincere congratulations and directs to this tribute to be presented on this 18th day of January 2014.

Firefighter of the Year Award – Michael G. Bowden

The Firefighter of the Year Award is considered an honor within the volunteer fire service to recognize one of its finest fire service personnel for their personal diligence, dedication and professionalism to excel beyond the call of duty by not only assisting those in need but attempting to make a difference.

After joining the volunteer fire service in January 1970, this nominee knows it’s a volunteer basis, but recognizes the human factor and offers compassion and treats every situation as an opportunity to save somebody’s life or property with due care and diligence. This nominee has contributed hours in many ways, helping a many of victims out of emergency situations, volunteering and attending stand-by assignments at neighboring stations, functioning as apparatus operator, and offers compassion and treats every situation as an opportunity to save somebody’s life or protect property with due care and diligence. This nominee has contributed in many ways with hours of volunteering at emergency incidents, providing inclement weather watches, and offering a pleasurable personality to associate with during functions. This nominee has contributed as much time as possible while juggling his family, professional, and recreational commitments. Most of all, this nominee desires to lend a helping hand by volunteering within his community. This nominee has held the elected and appointed positions of Assistant Chief Engineer, Third Assistant Chief Engineer, Engineer, Board of Director, Vice President, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer during his 45 year tenure and was awarded a Life Membership in February 1996 as well as receiving the Henry C. Warrington Recognition Award in 2008.

Please join me in recognizing – Michael G. Bowden for this award.

You may find additional information regarding Michael Bowden by viewing the following webpages:

Henry C. Warrington Award Recipient – Mario A. Street

The Henry C. Warrington Award is considered a prestigious honor within the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company and is intended to emphasize the characteristics that Henry C. or “Clay” portrayed within our community while representing the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company.

Henry was a person who was always there to teach and mentor a fellow firefighter and bestow upon them his knowledge, skills and abilities. With respect to this year’s nominee – Henry’s sincerity and calm personality towards some was passed down as well. Henry always enjoyed taking the stroll down memory lane to highlight the milestones that the company and its members had achieved as a brotherhood.

Henry was always considerate of his true feelings towards other. Henry was active in the volunteer fire service until the end and never missed the opportunity to enjoy the fellowship with his brother firefighter. This year’s nominee also takes time to embrace camaraderie and regularly joins in to reminisce during the end of event size up back at Station #1. This nominee is truly compassionate with respect to a member’s feelings and capabilities as well as their ability to be effective with their expected tasks. This nominee strives to identify the better attributes of all volunteers and associates of the fire service.

Tonight, this award is intended to highlight the accomplishments and dedication of an active firefighter and officer who has contributed endless amounts of assistance, guidance and devotion to the community for which he now resides and has parlayed approximately 10 years of “actively participating” volunteer fire service within the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company. This nominee participates in activities of the company on a regular, day to day, basis – including serving in elected and appointed positions and is a “superior” craftsman of corporate artwork.

This year’s recipient has held embark upon many new endeavors merely because they needed to be completed; as well as an appointed fire line officer and Engineer. This recipient joined the ranks of the volunteer fire service in June 2003 as a Junior Firefighter and continues to be a hard-working, dedicated and diligent member and friend of the volunteer fire service. Remember the characteristics of Henry C. Warrington:

• An active and dedicated volunteer firefighter;

• A devoted and diligent public servant;

• A friend of many in the volunteer firefighter service;

• A confidante to those aspiring to fulfill leadership positions in the company.

• A mentor to those aspiring to keep company vehicles and vessels in top notch operating shape as well as always ready for service

This nominee possesses all of the characteristics and more.

Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to introduce the 2013 Recipient of the Henry C. Warrington Award as our comrade, brother firefighter, and a true friend!

Please join me in recognizing – Mario A. Street

You may find additional information regarding Mario Street by viewing the following webpage:

Chief's Years of Service Award – Ryan M. Mock

The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company wishes to acknowledge the contribution and year of service to a member that has reached a milestone within the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company and has decided to pursue other opportunities on behalf of our organization.

Please join us in recognizing Ryan M. Mock for his past tenure as Chief of the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company for the time period of January 2013 thru December 2013.

Additional information may be reviewed at the following webpage:

Chief's Recognition Award – Clarence “Jim” Becker

The Chief's Award category was established to recognize a firefighter or fire company member that has served our community by volunteering and in many cases exceeded expectations with perseverance, commitment, and dedication in order to complete the assigned task.

This award is intended to highlight the accomplishments and dedication of an active fire company personnel who has achieved completion of their respective training, excelled at various tasks, and has attempted to contribute continual amounts of assistance, patience and devotion to the community for which he now resides and has parlayed “participation” in many areas including but not limited the following committee assignments: entertainment; fire prevention; ways & means; adopt-a-highway; breakfasts; as well as performing many other tasks specifically requested by the Chief or Officer In Charge without recognition. This nominee participates in many activities of the company on a regular basis and hosts numerous events to promote camaraderie and fellowship.

Since joining the volunteer fire service in January 1999 and reaching his 15th year milestone this month, this nominee has overcome many challenges and diversity and has been a hard-working, dedicated and a thoughtful member of the volunteer fire service by joining the ranks of the fire police squadron. As such this member has been a consistently performing top responder for numerous years and attends a large percentage of alarms on an annual basis.

Therefore, it gives us great pride to introduce the 2013 Recipient of the Chief’s Award as Fire Police Lieutenant, comrade and friend!

Please join me in recognizing – Jim Becker.

You may find additional information by viewing the following webpage:

President's Recognition Award – Henry J. Gonnelli, Jr.

The President’s Award category was established to recognize a firefighter or fire company member that has served our community by volunteering and in many cases exceeding expectations with perseverance, commitment, dedication, and hard-work in order to complete the assigned tasks regardless of the nature of the request.

This award is intended to highlight the accomplishments and dedication of a member who has attempted to contribute continual amounts of assistance, patience and devotion to the community for which he resides and has parlayed “participation” in many areas of community service and working behind the scene for little or no recognition. This designee has served our community and organization for many years.

Volunteerism and community pride are milestones that have been passed down through generations and has served as Board of Director, Treasurer, Fire Police Captain, Fire Police Officer and on numerous committees which include: Finance Oversight and Entertainment.

Since joining the volunteer fire service in October 1997, this nominee has provided direction and guidance serving as Fire Police since 1998. The commitment to hard-work and being thoughtful member of the volunteer fire service has been greatly appreciated while always stepping in to help the volunteer fire service when needed.

Therefore, I am pleased to acknowledge these efforts and introduce the 2013 Recipient of the President’s Award as our friend for just helping out when needed. “Thank you” for assisting to get the job done.

Please join us in recognizing – Henry J. Gonnelli, Jr.

Additional information may be viewed at the following website:

General Acknowledgement & Appreciation Effort – Patrick C. Miller

The Honorables Senator Hocker and Representative Ruth Briggs-King presented Patrick Miller with recognitions for his recent Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Award and his distinguished service as a 20 year member of the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company and serving as president for 13 terms of office.

 Each attendee was presented with an appreciation token key chain representing a helmet frontal shield designed for Indian River. 

After dinner and the award presentation session, the attendees were entertained by the Sir Claudis Bowden, DJ for the remainder of the evening.