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Thursday, November 28, 2013
Junior Volunteer Firefighter Receives Recognition – Jamell Taylor


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Junior Volunteer Firefighter Meets Eligibility Requirements for Delaware Volunteerism Credit

Junior Volunteer Firefighter Receives Recognition – Jamell Taylor

The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company is pleased to identify that another volunteer firefighter and high school student from Sussex Central High School has fulfilled the eligibility requirements for an addition elective credit towards graduation upon completing 90 hours or more of community service.

Established by the Delaware General Assembly in 1998 this programs allows students through grades 9-12 to earn 1 elective credit on their high school transcript. The volunteer hours completed as part of the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company or any service group may also be used towards this Delaware Volunteer Credit Program. This volunteer activity cannot be political or advocacy in nature and must be performed at a non-profit agency in Delaware. Volunteer Service Credits must be approved by the State Office of Volunteerism.

The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company is proud to recognize Jamell Taylor for his completion of this initiative and has earned well above the 90 clock hours performing various chosen civic duties.

Since May, 2013, Jamell has attended the following training curricula proctored by the Delaware State Fire School: Basic Firefighting Skills (36 hours); Emergency Medical Responder Training (40 hours); In-house fire suppression training; and various other in-services that have allowed him to amass 110.5 hours excluding any actual alarm attendance.

Jamell Taylor is scheduled to graduate high school in June 2015 and aspires to pursue post secondary education.

Additional information regarding the Delaware Volunteerism Credit can be obtained from the following websites:

 Congratulations to Jamell Taylor regarding his Delaware Volunteerism Credit and his diligence and desire to be a volunteer firefighter in his community.