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Friday, July 26, 2013
Vehicles Collide at Nanticoke Crossing


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Friday July, 26 2013 @ 18:38:21

Nature: Vehicle Accident BLS

Location: Food Lion (80)

Address: 24832 John J Williams Hwy Millsboro, DE 19966

On Friday, July 26th, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company was alerted for vehicle accident at the entrance to Food Lion on John J. Williams Highway. It was reported to be three (3) vehicles involved and unknown injuries.

Emergency response units included Rescue 80, Incident Command 80, and Engine #80-1 from the Oak Orchard facility and Engine #80-5 from the Long Neck facility.

It appears that a silver Hyundai was attempting to access the Nanticoke Crossing Shopping Center and entered into the part of Chevrolet pIck up traveling westbound on John J. Williams Highway before striking a Chevrolet Suburban attempting that was attempting to exit the Shopping Center.

Emergency response crews were assigned to mitigate the incident by closing the westbound traffic pattern lane; providing patient stabilization and patient care, where needed; coordinate vehicle stabilization where needed; and initiate fluid recovery from the vehicles.

Various emergency medical responders were required to initiate patient care pending the arrival of the local emergency medical services.

The Delaware State Fire Police provided traffic control assistance for the duration of the incident.

The Delaware State Police are investigating.