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Monday, March 9, 2020
Indian River Fire Prevention Committee’s Theme for March 2020 as “Stop, Drop, & Roll – Cover your face!”


Long Neck Elementary School Prevention & Safety Announcement Board

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Indian River Fire Prevention Committee’s Theme for March 2020 as “Stop, Drop, & Roll – Cover your face!”

Stop, Drop, and Roll – Cover your face!

Avoiding panic if someone's clothing catches fire is very important and can reduce the extent of injuries sustained. The National Fire Safety Council’s (NFSC) Stop, Drop, (Cover), and Roll lessons can help teach children exactly what to do, step by step, in the event of a clothing fire.

While "Stop, Drop, & Roll" is a common fire safety lesson these days, it has been identified that "Covering" one's face and eyes is an important addition that can greatly reduce injuries as well.

Teaching Children Stop, Drop, Roll, and Cover Your Face

From an early age, children are at risk for clothing fires. They may be fascinated with matches and lighters and may not use good caution around fireplaces or grills. Teach them to stop, drop, and roll and cover their face in case of a clothing fire.

Illustrated herewith is information that will be distributed throughout the month.