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Sunday, January 22, 2012
New Insurance Service Office Rating - Oak Orchard - Long Neck


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New Insurance Service Office Rating

The Insurance Services Office (ISO) collects and evaluates information from communities in the United States on their structure fire suppression capabilities. ISO is an independent company that serves insurance companies, communities, fire departments, insurance regulators, and others by providing information about risk. Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS).

The Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) is the manual ISO uses in reviewing the fire-fighting capabilities of individual communities. The schedule measures the major elements of a community's fire-suppression system and develops a numerical grading called a Public Protection Classification (PPC™). 

Here's how it works:

Fire alarms:

Ten percent (10%) of the overall grading is based on how well the fire department receives fire alarms and dispatches its fire-fighting resources. Our field representatives evaluate the communications center, looking at the number of operators at the center; the telephone service, including the number of telephone lines coming into the center; and the listing of emergency numbers in the telephone book. Field representatives also look at the dispatch circuits and how the center notifies firefighters about the location of the emergency.

Engine companies:

Fifty percent (50%) of the overall grading is based on the number of engine companies and the amount of water a community needs to fight a fire. ISO reviews the distribution of fire companies throughout the area and checks that the fire department tests its pumps regularly and inventories each engine company's nozzles, hoses, breathing apparatus, and other equipment.

ISO also reviews the fire-company records to determine:

• type and extent of training provided to fire-company personnel;

• number of people who participate in training;

• firefighter response to emergencies; and

• maintenance and testing of the fire department's equipment.

Water supply:

Forty percent (40%) of the grading is based on the community's water supply. This part of the survey focuses on whether the community has sufficient water supply for fire suppression beyond daily maximum consumption. ISO surveys all components of the water supply system, including pumps, storage, and filtration. To determine the rate of flow the water mains provide, we observe fire-flow tests at representative locations in the community. Finally, we evaluate the distribution of fire hydrants.

Classifications are numbered 1 through 10. Class 1 represents an exemplary fire suppression program, and 10 indicates that the area’s fire suppression program does not meet ISO’s minimum criteria.

After a combination of meetings between trained ISO field representatives, dispatch center coordinators, community fire officials, town officials and a comprehensive questionnaire the ISO has issued the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company a rating of Class 5/10.

This is split classification and the following applies:

(1) The first class (5) applies to properties within 5 road miles of a recognized fire station and within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant or alternate water supply; and

(2) The second class (10) applies to properties beyond 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant.

The rating is better than the previous 7/10 and Indian River is proud to have obtained this new rating which affects insurance premiums of residence in our district and we look forward to improving on it when we are evaluated again.

For more information on ISO's public-protection ratings, read ISO's PPC Program: Helping to Build Effective Fire-Protection Services.