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Thursday, October 6, 2011
2011 Incident Response Statistics - Oak Orchard - Long Neck


95% Responses in 2011

Views: 156

93% Responses in 2011

Views: 127

80% Responses in 2011

Views: 161

71% Responses in 2011

Views: 107

68% Responses in 2011

Views: 162

67% Responses in 2011

Views: 111

65% Responses in 2011

Views: 107

62% Responses in 2011

Views: 104

60% Responses in 2011

Views: 106

57% Responses in 2011

Views: 118

53% Responses in 2011

Views: 98

70% Responses in 2011

Views: 105

2011 Incident Response Statistics The Board of Directors of the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company are pleased to announce the 2011 Top Incident Responders which have greater than 50% emergency incident response for the 2011 Reporting Period. The specific reporting period incident response tallied 389 alarms for the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company during this time period. These volunteer responders are: (1) Harry Dawson, Apparatus Operator with 95%; (2) James R. Wagner, Chief Engineer/Apparatus Operator with 93%; (3) Joseph M. LeVan, Sr., Firefighter with 80%; (4) Hayden F. Klingler, First Assistant Chief with 71%; (5) David G. Blumenthal, Fire Police Officer with 70%; (6) Steven C. Deery, Jr., Chief with 68%; (7) Ryan Mock, Second Assistant Chief with 67%; (8) Brian Morley, Captain with 65%; (9) Stephen J. Miller, Firefighter with 62%; (10) Charles (Bud) Bonte, Firefighter with 60%; (11) Patrick C. Miller, President/Apparatus Operator with 57%; (12) Clarence J. Becker, Fire Police Officer with 54%; (13) Raymond E. Collas, Treasurer/Fire Police Captain with 53%; and (14) Luke S. Iseman, Firefighter with 50%. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we would like to acknowledge the participation level of all volunteers and say “thank you for your volunteerism!”