Photo Gallery

Sunday, August 28, 2011
Survey of Fire District @ 8 a.m. - Oak Orchard - Riverdale – Gull Point – Long Neck – Winding Creek - Massey's Landing - White House Beach - Mariner's Cove


Oak Orchard Road @ River Road

Views: 640

Oak Orchard @ White Caps

Views: 529

Oak Orchard facing Indian River (westward direction)

Views: 505

Delaware Avenue facing east

Views: 492

Bowden Acres

Views: 468

Pearl Street - Oak Orchard

Views: 484

Mercer Avenue - Oak Orchard

Views: 430

Mercer Avenue - Oak Orchard

Views: 466

Delaware Avenue facing west toward Oak Orchard Road

Views: 459

Pearl Avenue - Oak Orchard

Views: 445

Oak Orchard Road

Views: 428

Oak Orchard Road @ Chief's Road

Views: 453

Winding Creek Village

Views: 452

White House Beach

Views: 407

Winding Creek Village

Views: 419

Banks Road

Views: 461

White House Beach

Views: 441

Residence on Layton Davis Road

Views: 449

White House Beach

Views: 401

White House Beach

Views: 372

White House Beach

Views: 404

White House Beach facing east towards Indian River Inlet

Views: 383

White House Beach

Views: 365

White House Beach

Views: 505

White House Beach

Views: 383

White House Beach

Views: 362

White House Beach

Views: 477

White House Beach facing east of Indian River

Views: 427

Massey's Landing

Views: 413

Pot Nets Dockside

Views: 415

Massey's Landing facing Indian River Inlet

Views: 440

Massey's Landing

Views: 399

Massey's Landing

Views: 359

Massey's Landing

Views: 382

Massey's Landing

Views: 385

Massey's Landing

Views: 389

Massey's Landing

Views: 390

Massey's Landing

Views: 408

Pot Nets Seaside

Views: 390

Pot Nets Seaside

Views: 412

Malone's Bayside

Views: 411

Views: 464

Mariner's Cove

Views: 393

Mariner's Cove

Views: 345

Mariner's Cove

Views: 353

Pot Nets Creekside

Views: 375

The Peninsula @ Bay Farm Road

Views: 362

80 Command Refuels

Views: 372

Gull Point facing east

Views: 363

Gull Point

Views: 358

River Road - Lane Residence

Views: 360

River Road - Lane Residence

Views: 453

Indian River Yacht Club Pier

Views: 380

Views: 346

River Road near Riverside

Views: 356

River Road near Whit's Cove

Views: 380

River Road @ Chief's Road

Views: 379

River Road @ Riverdale

Views: 393

Oak Orchard - Riverdale Marshy Area

Views: 373

Oak Orchard Road facing north

Views: 456

Oak Orchard Road facing south

Views: 376

Station #1 - Delaware National Guard UnitsIndian River Yacht Club Pier

Views: 386

Station #1 Delaware National Guard Humvees

Views: 381

Station #1 Delaware National Guard Unimod

Views: 369

Station #1 Delaware National Guard Vehicles

Views: 316

Sunday August, 28 2011 @ approximately 8 a.m. Nature: Survey of Fire District - Oak Orchard - Riverdale – Gull Point – Long Neck – Winding Creek – Massey’s Landing – White House Beach – Mariner’s Cove Identified herewith are various photographs of the Indian River’s emergency response stand-by crews and area of response at approximately 8 a.m. on Sunday, August 28, 2011. The photographs are the result of surveying the following areas within the fire district: Oak Orchard; Riverdale; Gull Point, Long Neck, Winding Creek, Massey’s Landing, White House Beach and Mariner’s Cove areas. The analysis identified areas of concern with downed trees, downed utility wires, tidal flooding debris and pending high tide in approximately 2 hrs. for the aforementioned areas. During some of the storm related events, many residents were without electricity, telephone and internet for approximately 4 hours. In many areas of Riverdale, Rosedale and Warwick electric outrages remain a current concern.