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Sunday, June 12, 2011
Incident Synopsis - 06/12/2011 - Varied


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Sunday June, 12 2011 @ 06:30:03 Nature: Structure Fire Address: 24670 Wesley Dr Millsboro, DE 19966 Sunday June, 12 2011 @ 07:31:58 Nature: Falls-ALS Location: blue house w/ red roof, use front door Address: 32225 Heritage Ln Millsboro, DE 19966 Sunday June, 12 2011 @ 08:29:19 Nature: Automatic Fire Alarm Location: Fellowship Health Resources Address: 13 Tecumseh Pass Millsboro, DE 19966 On Sunday, June 12th, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company was alerted for numerous incidents throughout the morning which included: (1) Residential Structure Fire on Wesley Drive, off of Banks Road. It was reported to have smoke coming from the vents on the exterior of the house with an odor of smoke within the interior of the house. Emergency response units were limited to a single company dispatch with the following units responding: Ladder 80, Engine #80-1, and Tanker 80 from the Oak Orchard facility; and Engine #80-3 and Engine #80-5 from the Long Neck facility. All units were utilized at the incident location for specific assignments for tools, equipment, or ladders to be utilized. The Duty Officer was Ryan Mock who requested an interior evaluation of the residential structure with emphasis being placed in the utility room and kitchen area as well as investigation of the eaves and roofing with concentration on the attic ventilation. Immediately, it was suspected to an electrical issue and an investigation yielded burnt insulation and insulated HVAC duct. The Operations Officer requested the extraction of ceiling and drywall in the kitchen and utility room. Firefighters were able to locate additional burnt insulation and remnants of an active fire. For much of the initial investigation smoke continued to emit from the eaves and vents in the roof area. An extensive effort was utilized to provide salvage covers and tarps to minimize additional interior damage because all of the burnt areas were in the attic or above the ceiling areas. All electrical service was disconnected to the residential location. The Delaware State Fire Marshal is investigating. (2) Medical Manpower Assist. This incident required the lifting assistance during a medical emergency on Heritage Lane in Millsboro and Engine #80-1 responded from the Wesley Drive incident to the manpower assist call. (3) Automatic Fire Alarm at 13 Tecumseh Pass, Indian Summer Village. This incident was the result of inactive cooking and was mitigated via our Duty Officer Ryan Mock and Fire Police Officer David Blumenthal who were on-scene.