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Sunday, July 4, 2010
Celebrate our independence and God Bless our Troops! - Bay City in Long Neck


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Charles Frampton & Nick Karpin

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Happy 4th of July - Independence Day It’s July 4 2010, 4th of July, Independence Day, and the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company has been invited to the Annual 4th of July Celebration Parade in Bay City just off of Long Neck Road. This community hosts an annual celebration day parade at 10 a.m. mainly for the enjoyment of the park residents who decorate bicycles, golf carts, etc. and parade them up and down their residential streets honking horns, waving, offering pop corn to parade participants, etc. Tradition has been that the “unofficial” Parade Grand Marshal leads the parade and is immediately followed by various fire company apparatus and then hordes of golf carts and bicyclists, each individually decorated to acknowledge our independence. It is simply put as one of the most important days on the calendar and we have taken this opportunity to share with you how it is celebrated in Bay City, Long Neck, Delaware. Memorable 4th of July Independence Day Quotes: “Freedom is never given, it is won.” “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people” “Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.” “The greatest lesson we can learn from the past . . . is that freedom is at the core of every successful nation in the world.” Most of these quotes were obtained via the internet. Happy 4th of July! Celebrate our independence and God Bless our Troops!