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Sunday, September 6, 2009
Traffic Accident - John J. Williams Highway Opposite Flying Fish Saloon


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Sunday September, 6 2009 @ 01:50:41 Nature: Traffic/Transportation Acdnt BLS Address: 26106-26155 Autumn Rd Millsboro, DE 19966 (Route #24 – John J. Williams opposite Flying Fish Saloon) Early Sunday morning on September 6th, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company was alerted for personal injury vehicle accident on John J. Williams Highway in the vicinity of the Flying Fish Saloon. It appears a dark blue compact car was traveling west on John J. Williams Highway and departed the roadway for an unknown reason striking a utility pole and causing two additional utility poles to snap as well. Our First Assistant Chief Eric Ruckle was traveling nearby and provided incident command until our Duty Officer Joseph Thompson arrived to coordinate the emergency incident response. Indian River units were assigned to perform scene assessment, coordination of utility pole identification information, vehicle stabilization and traffic control. The Delaware State Fire Police were assigned to detour traffic on John J. Williams for the duration of the incident. The Delaware State Police are investigating the incident.