Thursday, July 30, 2009
Nature: Vehicle Fire
Location: Friendship Road
Address: Friendship & Autumn Roads- Millsboro, DE 19966
On Thursday afternoon, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company was alerted for a vehicle fire on Friendship Road in the vicinity of intersection with Autumn Road. Chief Steven C. Deery was traveling in the immediate vicinity and identified that the vehicle was a lawnmower with the engine compartment involved.
Brush #80-0 responded with Ryan Mock riding as Officer in Charge from Station #2 and Engine #80-1 responded from Station #1.
Ryan Mock instructed the emergency response crew from Brush #80-0 to initiate a booster line for fire suppression and Engine #80-1 was assigned to assist with incident overhaul and clean-up.
The incident required no additional services and was quickly past under control.