Friday May, 1 2009 @ 17:05:39
Nature: Traffic / Transportation Accident ALS
Address: Hollymount Rd (Route #48) & Indian Mission R (Route #5) Harbeson, DE
At 5:05 p.m. on Friday, May 1st, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company was alerted for a personal injury vehicle incident at the intersection of State Route #5 (Indian Mission Road) and State Route #48 (Hollymount Road) where a black Chrysler Aspen and a red Jeep Cherokee collided.
It was reported to possibly have an occupant entrapment scenario which would require various vehicle extrication measures to be implemented. Deputy Fire Chief, Brian Hubbs assumed incident command and requested that the crew responding on Engine #80-5 coordinate vehicle stabilization and prepare for extrication, while other emergency response personnel were assigned to coordinate patient care which include stabilization and preparation for extrication and packing.
The intersection and related roadways were closed for the duration of the incident. The Delaware State Police are investigating.
Please note that this intersection was recently converted from a two way stop with flashing yellow lights to a four way stop with flashing yellow lights.