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Wednesday, February 6, 2008
IRVFC Celebrates Jean Moore’s Birthday…. - Oak Orchard


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On Wednesday evening, February 6, 2008, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company recognized Jean Moore on her recent birthday (February 5th). Jean has served the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company for the past 36 years as a dedicated and diligent volunteer with the Ladies Auxiliary and the fire company. Jean remains active with the fire service functions planning and coordinating various breakfasts, dinners and catered events. Jean was surprised when the membership sang “Happy Birthday” and recognized her with a cake. The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company would like to take this opportunity to the thank Jean for her endless support and contribution to the volunteer fire service. Jean also volunteers her cooking expertise to the Boys and Girls Club of Oak Orchard/Riverdale as well many private events in the community. Jean enjoyed her birthday on Tuesday when she stated that she received roses, attended luncheon with friends, a dinner with family members and was thankful for all of her friends over the years.