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Sunday, October 28, 2007
Horse Rescue - Holly Lake Campground


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On Sunday afternoon, October 28, 2007, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company was alerted to assist with the extrication of a horse that was stuck in the mud. At approximately 10 a.m., the horse and its rider were following a trail in the woods near Holly Lake. The horse stepped into a watery area and sank into the mud. The horse was lodged in the muddy mass for approximately 4-5 hours. The incident response personnel were able to stabilize a working platform with large sheets of plywood and developed a scenario with ropes and pulleys acting as a hoist with various commodities to protect the horse. This exercise attempted to lift the horse on wooden flooring. After numerous attempts, the horse was assisted on the wooden areas and freed. The entire exercise was performed with constant monitoring of the horse, including routine evaluation of vital signs. The owners of the horse were extremely satisfied with the assistance to free the horse.