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Monday, September 10, 2007
Indian River Mourns the Loss of Vice President Leslie H. Vogts - Station #1 - Oak Orchard


Les Vogts & Steven Deery

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It is with the deepest regret that Indian River Volunteer Fire Company must identify the demise of its Vice President Leslie H. Vogts. The members of the volunteer fire service have truly lost a comrade, friend, mentor and veteran firefighter with Leslie’s demise. Les joined the volunteer fire service in New Castle County in 1972 by joining the Elsmere Fire Company (Station #16) where he fulfilled the duties and responsibilities of firefighter and Rescue Captain. Les was awarded a Life Membership for dedicated and diligent service to the Elsmere Fire Company before his residential relocation to Sussex County in 1986. In July, 1986, Les continued his affiliation with Delaware’s volunteer fire service and joined the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company (Station #80) in Sussex County. During his tenure with Indian River, Les held the administrative positions of Board of Director, President, Vice President, DVFA Delegate and DVFA Alternate, as well as the fire line positions of Deputy Chief, First Assistant Chief, Second Assistant Chief, and Training Officer. Les was awarded his Life Membership in August 1997 for his diligence and dedicated service to the community and residents of our fire district. Leslie was considered a mentor to many firefighters and officers that chose to inquire and discuss alternatives and options. Les was an instrumental aspect to many firefighter training seminars that specialized with vehicle rescue strategies and techniques. Les enjoyed his Delaware State Fire School Instructor position and was extremely knowledgeable in many aspects of fire ground and rescue operations. Les held the following training certifications offered by the Delaware State Fire School: Fire School Instructor certification, Delaware Firefighter I certification, Delaware Firefighter II certification, and Delaware Fire Officer I certification. Les was active in the day to day operations of the volunteer fire service and actively responded and participated at current emergency incidents during the month of September 2007. Les assisted with the implementation of the firefighter aerial training operations during the recent spring and summer months and was instrumental in the design specifications for the new fire apparatus that will be delivered to Indian River in December, 2007. Please join the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company during this time of mourning to offer our deepest sympathy and condolescence to his respective families and share your thoughts and prayers with them. The Indian River Volunteer Fire Company truly losses a comrade, friend, mentor and brother firefighter with the passing of Leslie H. Vogts on this 10th day of September, 2007. You may view the additional information at: