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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Indian River Authorizes Acquisition of a New Fire Engine - Oak Orchard, Dela


Truck Committee

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Truck Committee Chairman James W. Queen, Sr.

Views: 429

Over the past four months, a special committee of volunteer personnel from the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company has been appointed by Chief Steven C. Deery, Jr., and authorized to evaluate, design, bid, and plan for the acquisition of a new fire engine to the serve the communities within our fire district. On Wednesday evening, November 22, 2006, this committee designated as the "Truck Committee" submitted the bid specifications, blue print schematics, and bid tabulation results to the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company for consideration. A Special Meeting of the fire company was convened to hear the results and recommendation of this Truck Committee and to hear the desires of the membership with regard to the anticipated apparatus acquisition. Truck Committee James W. Queen, Sr. provided a synopsis of the Truck Committee responsibilities, duties and accomplishments and submitted to the membership information on the Committee's progress. It was reported that the six manufacturers had submitted information and bids for the acquisition desires and two manufacturers would be presented after much deliberation of the committee. These two desired manufacturers of the Class A Engine were: (1) KME - see KME Fire Apparatus is the largest privately owned fire apparatus manufacturer in the United States and a sole-source, custom manufacturer of a full line of specialty vehicles for the municipal, federal, international, and industrial markets. World headquarters has been located in northeastern Pennsylvania for over 60 years. (2) 4-Guys, Inc. - see 4 Guys Fire Trucks builds a full line of all stainless steel fire trucks, all with a 20 year body warranty. From tankers to rescues to pumpers, 4 Guys can meet the needs of your department. Corporate headquarters has been located in Meyersdale, Pennsylvania for 32 years. The members of the fire company supported the desires of the Truck Committee and endorsed a motion to acquire an additional engine from 4-Guys, Inc. This apparatus would be hosted on a Spartan chassis and will become the fifth Spartan that is owned and operated by the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company. See our apparatus section on this web page to view our equipment. The Members of the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company are hereby thankful for the generous support and contributions of our community to make this acquisition possible. Also, the Board of Directors, Officers and Members express their utmost appreciation to the diligence and dedication of the Truck Committee Members which included: James W. Queen, Sr., Chairman; Steven C. Deery, Jr., Chief; Bryan P. Hubbs, Deputy Chief; James R. Wagner, Chief Engineer; Harry Dawson, Assistant Chief Engineer; Leslie H. Vogts; Hayden F. Klingler; Ronald P. Ferraro and Steven R. Hawkins, Captain. Anticipated delivery of the apparatus will be approximately August, 2007 and will replace the current Engine #80-7