At 2:24 PM on Wednesday, April 13, we were dispatched to Station 83, Millsboro, for one Engine to fill the Millsboro Fire Station as they were at a brush fire on Sussex 431 in the Cross Keys section of Millsboro. Engine 80-1 responded for this assignment. Shortly thereafter, we were dispatched as a full company assist to the brush fire. Brush 80-0, Brush 80-00, and Tanker 80-4 responded to the brush fire along with Engine 80-1. Shortly after arriving at the scene, Brush 80-0 was operating in front of the fire along with crews from Station 77, Georgetown, and Station 76, Frankford. The wind shifted, cutting off our only escape. The Brush Trucks were moved out of immediate danger and the rest of the crews walked to a marsh area nearby. The fire did burn some areas at the edges of the marsh but the wind shifted again and moved the fire away from us. We were picked up by 77-0, the Georgetown Brush Truck, and taken out of immediate danger. Some equipment including hoses and fittings was destroyed as they had to be abandoned as the fire approached. This incident involved fire companies from Sussex and Kent counties as well as from Maryland. Thirty-seven Indian River fighters were in service for five hours and thirty-four minutes for this call.