Photo Gallery

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Roadway Flooding and Traffic Hazard Conditions


Views: 53

Philips Branch Road photo by Ron MacArthur at Cape Gazette.

Views: 120

Indian Mission Road @ Beaver Damn Road

Views: 246

Phillips Branch Road

Views: 213

State Route #5 - Indian Mission Road @ Beaver Damn Road

Views: 259

Phillips Branch Road

Views: 216

Indian Mission Road

Views: 170


Thursday September, 29 2016

Nature: Roadway Flooding and Traffic Hazard Conditions

Address: Indian River Fire District and surrounding areas


On Thursday, September 29th, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company provides this commentary to enhance the awareness of the traveling motorist of the hazardous conditions that exists because of inclement weather and rainy conditions.

The following roadway surfaces are being impacted as a result of inclement weather:

(1) State Route #5 @ State Route #23 – Indian Mission Road & Beaver Damn Road – Closed

(2) Phillips Branch Road

(3) Delaware Avenue @ River Road – Oak Orchard

(4) River Road @ Chiefs Road - Riverdale

UPDATE: Roads Affected by Heavy Rain

Dover: As rain continues to fall, more roads statewide will experience areas of standing and high water.

The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces that the following roads listed below are either closed due to high water or roadways are open to traffic with water on the roadway and to use caution.

As darkness falls, it will become more difficult for drivers to see high water areas and motorists are advised to travel carefully.

High water is not restricted to coastal communities and is due to the ground not being able to accept any more water through saturation.

Motorists should not attempt to drive through barricaded or flooded areas, as the water could be deeper than anticipated.

Motorists are advised to stay informed as the day progresses as more precipitation is expected.

In addition to local media outlets, DelDOT’s website is a source of updated weather and roadway conditions.

Sussex County - Roads Closed due to High Water

DE 5/Harbeson Road between Forrest Road and Phillips Branch Road

DE 5 at Beaver Dam Road

DE 20/Long Drain Road and Cross Keys Road

Beaver Dam Road between Holly Mount Road and Indian Mission Road

Oak Orchard Road

Route 36 at Lighthouse Road

Phillips Branch Road

Hollyville Road between Route 5 and Harmons Hill Road

Sussex County Roads - Water on Road

DE 1 at Key Box Road

Cave Neck Road at Hudson Road

DE 20 at Chapel Branch Road

U.S. Route 113 at DE 26

U.S. Route 113 at Melvin Joseph Road

DE 24 at Millsboro Town Limits

Homestead Road at Hardscrabble Road

Millsboro Highway at Godwin School Road

Doc Frame Road at Mt. Joy Road

Pole Bridge Road

DE 1 northbound/southbound at Clifton Road

Zoar Road between Avalon Road and Fieldwood Drive

Gravel Hill Road between Zoar Road and Springfield Road

Sussex County Roads - Trees Down:

Patriots Way at Sussex Central High School

Snake Road at Bethel

Additional information may be reviewed via the following web sites:

(1) Delaware Surf Fishing Website: